The whole concept of social media is lost for many marketers. And today it reached an all-time low.
I got a message through LinkedIn from someone I didn’t know. Some gal named Claudine, who (apparently) belongs to one of my many Discussion Groups. Her message was simple. Simple but stupid.
“We are up-dating our website at the mo [Seriously? Mo? How hip of you.], to be more Social Media friendly and work better on mobiles. We will then be making an app and a game.
Please can you give us a like at:
We will like you back too next time we are on Facebook
Check out our video on YouTube:Treefox Cartoon Demo Reel 2012.”
and also
Salt Water
Let’s start with Stupid #1: I have no idea who you are; I’ve never heard of your company, so why would I “give you a like” on Facebook? Doesn’t that make the “like” button meaningless and therefore defeat the purpose??
Stupid #2: LinkedIn is for my professional networking activities. Facebook is for my personal relationships. It’s pretty presumptuous to think I might like you on Facebook when I don’t even know you on LinkedIn. Heck, we’re not even linked in on LinkedIn!
Stupid #3: I don’t want to be “liked back.” I’ve got lots of friends. Friends “like” my comments and photos all the time. I don’t need you to like me to feel validated.
Stupid #4: I laughed out loud at “We will like you back too next time we are on Facebook.” Sounds like you don’t visit Facebook very regularly…
Stupid #5: See Stupid #1, 2, 3 and 4 above.
If you really want fans on Facebook, why not invite website visitors / purchasers to like you on Facebook? Post something clever to your Facebook page and tweet about it. If it’s truly clever, it will go viral and you’ll have lots of fans, followers and those who “like” you.
As for me, stop asking for my approval. Because the answer to that question -- every time – will be "Sorry, but no."